
Sustainable solutions for generations to come


Wibe Group is a multinational company with operations in different parts of the world. We influence and with that influence we want to run a responsible business. We do this by understanding and managing all effects in the value chain, in dialogue with our stakeholders. We see it not only as a responsibility but also an opportunity to influence and drive sustainable development for our business and communities.

Where are we now?


To get a good understanding of where we are today and a starting point, we have asked EcoVadis to rate us, resulting in a silver medal. This means that we are better than 85% of the companies within our industry. This rating is based on ESG framework that helps stakeholders understand how an organization is managing risks and opportunities related to environmental, social, and governance criteria. This is a good start, but we don’t settle here.

Our ambition


Our ambition is to take the lead in our industry. We know this is a major challenge, but with a clear vison, long term commitment and a humble approach we will get there. As a first step  we are focusing on three sustainability areas:


arrow_right_16x16px.png Responsible business

A responsible business means  that we work for a low-carbon society. To achieve this we are continuing to transition to renewable sources of energy and improving energy efficiency across our factories.


arrow_right_16x16px.png Minimized environmental impact

We work towards a circular business model. This means that we try to integrate circular design and sourcing, resource efficient operations, optimized use phase, and responsible end-of-life.


arrow_right_16x16px.png Sustainable employer

We become a sustainable employer by supporting people and communities. We work for a work environment that are inclusive, safe, and equitable. We want people to develop and succeed.

Eco Performance

Eco Performance is our product sustainability platform, where you will find environmental documentation for our product range. With full transparency Eco Performance shows our products' circularity value and environmental impact.


Our rating


The EcoVadis overall score reflects the quality of our sustainability management.  The Silver medal is awarded to the top 6-15% in our industry.



Our Environmental Policy


Here you can read more about our guidelines and working methods for sustainable development

Our environmental policy.

Our Tax Strategy

Wibe Group is committed to comply with all applicable tax laws in the UK and all the countries in which it operates.